Local School Advisory Team

Our schools are only the best that they can be with the support of the entire school community. The Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) is a group of elected and appointed members that exists for every DCPS school. The team consists of parents, teachers, non-instructional school staff, community members, and, in some cases students, to advise the principal on matters that promote high expectations and high achievement for all students. 

The 20/21 SY Cleveland Elementary School LSAT  Team

WTU Building Representative: Mrs. Martha Bradshaw


PTA President: Ms. Jaqueline Nelson


Teachers: Ms. Yolanda Johnson, Ms. Pamela Parker, Mrs. Charisse Robinson, Mr. Stephen Varhall


Non-Instructional School Staff: Election Pending


Parents: Ms. Tiffany Dailey, Ms. Sharra Greer, Ms. Becky Reina, Ms. Anita Posey, Ms. Alexandra Simbana


Community Member: Pending

For more information on LSAT roles & responsibilities


LSAT 11-6-20 Meeting Minutes.pdf
                 LSAT 12-16-20 Meeting Minutes

LSAT Minutes 1-12-2021.pdf
                          LSAT Minutes 2-23-2021 PDF.pdf

LSAT Minutes 3-1-2021.pdf
                                       LSAT Minutes 3-15-21.pdf

LSAT Minutes 3-31-2021.pdf


                                                                 El Equipo de Asesoramiento de la Escuela Local

Nuestras escuelas son lo mejor que pueden ser con el apoyo de toda la comunidad escolar. El Equipo de Asesoramiento de la Escuela Local (LSAT) es un grupo de miembros elegidos y designados que existe para cada escuela de las EPDC. El equipo esta compuestos por padres, maestros/as, personal escolar de apoyo no docente, miembros de la comunidad, y en algunos casos estudiantes, para asesorar al/a la director/a en asuntos que promueven altas expectativas y alto rendimiento para todos/as los/as estudiantes. 

2020-21 Cleveland Elementary School Equipo asesor de la escuela local


WTU Representante del edificio: Mrs. Martha Bradshaw


Presidenta de la PTA: Ms Jaqueline Nelson


Profesoras: Ms. Yolanda Johnson,, Ms. Pamela Parker, Ms. Charisse Robinson, Mr. Stephen Varhall


Personal escolar no instructivo: elección pendiente


Madres: Ms. Tiffany Dailey, Ms. Sharra Greer, Ms. Becky Reina, Ms. Anita Posey, and Ms. Alexandra Simbana


1 miembro de la comunidad: pendiente, será aprobado por el LSAT en la próxima reunión

Para obtener más información sobre las funciones y responsabilidades de LSAT


LSAT 11-6-20 Meeting Minutes.pdf                       LSAT 12-16-20 Meeting Minutes
LSAT Minutes 1-12-2021.pdf                              LSAT Minutes 2-23-2021 PDF.pdf
LSAT Minutes 3-1-2021.pdf                                           LSAT M


Microsoft Team Link and Directions


1. Go to http://portal.office.com.

2. Enter your username as: [email protected]
For example, if my DCPS email is [email protected], in Microsoft 365 it will be [email protected]

3. Enter the same password as you use to access your DCPS email.

4. When you log in for the first time, it will tell you to wait until it loads
all the settings and your configurations. It takes between one and two minutes.
When it is finished you should see a button at the bottom that to continue.
I believe it is a right-pointing arrow.

5. Note: After you log the first time, and you check to keep me signed in, the log in
screen will come up like what you see in the screenshot below with username
inserted when you go to http://portal.office.com.



Virtual Learning Tips

Follow the schedule

Have a designated work space

Dress appropriate

Be prepared and ready to learn


Canvas Link and Directions:





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